8 Signs That Your Partner is a Truly Good Person

8 Signs That Your Partner is a Truly Good Person

Is the person you are with genuinely good?

Although you’d like to think so, should you just rely on your intuition?

They sometimes do things that make you wonder, don’t they?

We all want to be with someone who we believe is a good person, but that doesn’t mean society will agree.

There may be a difference in values between different people.

As a result, if my values and yours differ, won’t our concept of what is good also differ?

According to a cross-cultural study, different cultural groups place more emphasis on different virtues, so “goodness” has a strong cultural component.

However, many qualities were found across cultures, which can be seen as a measure of human goodness as a whole.

According to psychology, here are eight signs that your partner is genuinely good.

1) They’re trustworthy

I’m sure you think about whether you can trust or rely on a good person when you think about them.

Usually, this means you can trust what they say. If you lend them something, they’ll return it. If you arrange to meet somewhere, you’ll see them.

There is also a constant challenge to our trust.

A person who is late for an appointment makes you wonder if they have intentionally broken your trust or if they are running late because of circumstances beyond their control.

Research shows that we make judgements on whether to trust strangers in just 34 milliseconds! If they prove trustworthy, we give them more chances to be trusted, and they can become acquaintances, and even friends.

If they let us down, we rarely continue investing in them and never consider them good.

2) They’re benevolent

An umbrella term for all those words that have the same meaning: kind, caring, helpful, etc.

The definition of benevolence is a positive attitude towards yourself, others, and all of humanity.

It’s one of the main things we mean when we say a person is good.

I personally recall the time I saw a woman read an unnumbered 100-flavor ice cream menu to a blind stranger (“What was #57 again?”).

In the study I mentioned earlier, benevolence came third in important virtues after trustworthiness and morality (more on that later).

One study found that good, benevolent people also suffer from more stress, exhaustion, and depression at work. So, while they’re good, their kindness might be taking its toll.

3) They’re courageous

The majority of people agree that good people are courageous.

Do you have a partner?

With its size, fangs, and ferocity, is the lion really a creature of courage?

A person can be courageous by running into traffic to save a lost toddler. But courage can also be demonstrated by wearing an outfit that expresses who they are, even if it risks social ridicule.

We still see courage as a virtue and a key component of a good person, even when the risk is great.

Interestingly, people who exhibit courage seem to encounter less stress than those who do not. If you’re kind, you might experience more stress, but if you’re courageous, you might experience less, so things balance out.

4) They’re empathetic

Can your partner understand themselves and others, especially their feelings and motivations?

This person seems to have a lot of empathy, if that’s the case.

People with empathy are able to “perceive the emotions of others, resonate with them emotionally and cognitively, and distinguish between their own emotions and those of others.”

By doing so, we reduce the distance between us and foster greater understanding and care.

Communication, compassion, and pro-social behavior are all enhanced by empathy.

It sounds like your partner is empathetic and good if he or she understands your feelings and those of others, takes them into account, and connects with them without exploiting them.

5) They’re considerate

I think of someone being considerate when they don’t take the last donut without asking around first if anyone else wants it.

Also, I think of people who blast their stereos late at night as the opposite of that.

A considerate person thinks about the situation of others and acts in a way that does not harm, inconvenience, or treat them unfairly.

It has been demonstrated that even children as young as six years old often choose to act considerately.

When given a snack choice, they were shown to take a snack that still left a choice for another child, but only if another child was around. If nobody else was around, they selected the snack of their choice.

Taking other’s feelings and desires into account is the beginning of social-minded behavior.

It’s important to remember that a considerate partner will not only consider your feelings, but also the feelings of others. You’ll notice this in their altruistic and selfless behavior across the board.

6) They’re respectful

Respect was one of the major virtues revealed by that large cross-cultural study.

Despite having different meanings in different societies, this was found in every society studied.

In some cultures, this means respecting traditions and deferring to elders. In others, it means treating people with equal respect and being polite.

In your relationship, what does it mean?

When a partner respects and admires the other, there is no disdain or embarrassment in their relationship.

As a result, the person is appreciated for their positive qualities, and their negative qualities are accepted.

If your partner respects you, they won’t criticize you unfairly or blame you for things you didn’t do or couldn’t control.

7) They’re wise

The quality of wisdom is ephemeral and hard to define.

In addition to knowledge, wisdom includes certainty, experience, good judgment, and productive action.

Unlike pure intelligence, wisdom is accumulated over time, so it is only time that will tell if a person’s actions are wise or foolish.

However, if you’ve been with your partner for long enough, you’ll know if they have wisdom.

This highly respected quality will not be achieved if they consistently make mistakes and poor choices.

If they can use their experience, knowledge, and wit to make good choices most of the time, you and others will see them as wise.

An important component of a good person’s character is this.

8) They’re moral

As a teenager, I attended a morality lecture.

It wasn’t what you expected.

In general, morality is about knowing the difference between right and wrong, good and bad.

There’s no doubt that morality differs between cultures and even between individuals.

The speaker went on to discuss something now referred to as moral identity in psychology.

The degree to which each person follows their own morality can be defined as whether they choose to do what they believe is right or do things even though they believe they are wrong.

A whole group of people may essentially share the same morals, but not everyone has the same moral identity. Even in societies where sharing is considered good, there are still people who believe it, but choose not to share and instead accumulate incredible wealth.

If your partner is truly good, they’ll follow their own morals, even if this means losing out on other advantages.

It’s good news!

According to psychology, your partner is a great person if you recognize these eight signs; you will know for sure that it’s not just you who thinks so!

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