A Kenyan artist celebrates his love of the Baobab trees | Africa Direct Documentary

A Kenyan artist celebrates his love of the Baobab trees | Africa Direct Documentary

In Kilifi County, Kenya, photographer, set designer and general creative Mbugua Muigai, aka Kuriba, expresses his love and respect for the mighty baobab tree through a range of artistic work, exploring the cultural, medicinal and environmental significance of these ancient "upsides down" trees. He engages young ravers with them at a music event, shares a spiritual moment with a healer, and takes us on a tour of his favourite baobabs. But this passion comes with a warning, as a growing trade in exporting these massive trees threatens their numbers.

Saitabao Kaiyare is a filmmaker based in Kilifi, Kenya. He has directed and produced numerous award-winning films and TV shows. He is the co-founder of Baruu Collective, a production company and arts agency aiming to rethink the African narrative.

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