China Is Outspending the U.S. to Find the ‘Holy Grail’ of Clean Energy | WSJ U.S. vs. China

China Is Outspending the U.S. to Find the ‘Holy Grail’ of Clean Energy | WSJ U.S. vs. China

The U.S. and China are in a high-tech race to achieve and commercialize an elusive clean energy source: nuclear fusion. Fusion has the potential to create nearly limitless energy with no carbon emissions and very limited radioactivity. If China wins, it would have a leg up in a growing competition over energy resources as the U.S. is trying to shift more supply chains within domestic borders.

WSJ explores what’s at stake as the competition over energy resources intensifies around the world.

0:00 “Holy grail” of clean energy
0:30 Nuclear fusion, explained
1:33 The race
5:03 The funding
6:27 What’s at stake for the U.S.

U.S. vs. China
This original video series explores the rivalry between the two superpowers’ competing efforts to develop the technologies that are reshaping our world.

#Fusion #China #WSJ

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