Hearing on Israeli occupation could help peace process under international law

Daniel Levy, president of the US/Middle East Project think tank, says the likely response of Israel’s allies to this week’s proceedings at the ICJ is that the court should “keep its nose out” of an issue that they will argue is political and not legal.

“Why is that so important? Because the question here is whether the peace process, the 30 years of agreements, … is something that should be untouched by international law,” Levy told Al Jazeera.

He said that while the court’s opinion will not be enforceable, it could be key in ensuring a future peace process is based on international law and not an effort to “formalise the existing apartheid reality”.

Moreover, he said the legal proceedings would dial up the “squirm factor” for third parties in terms of their responsibilities as well as the consequences of being “complicit in this violation of international law and in guaranteeing impunity for the violating party, namely Israel”.

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