Israeli forces withdraw from Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank

The Israeli military has reportedly withdrawn from the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank.

Twelve Palestinians were killed, including at least four children, a doctor and a teacher, in the siege which started on Tuesday.

The Israeli military claimed it was carrying out a “counterterrorism” operation in the city, but witnesses have described Israeli forces shooting at people indiscriminately in the streets.

Video clips from the raid show an Israeli soldier kicking one of several Palestinian detainees, who were forced to kneel on a road in their underwear.

Israeli soldiers also fired at an Al Jazeera crew in Jenin as one of our correspondents was preparing to go live, wounding a staff member at a nearby hotel.

Al Jazeera’s Nida Ibrahim is in Ramallah for more on the situation in the occupied West Bank.

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