Norwegian People’s Aid: More countries recognising Palestine may pressure Israel for peace talks

Raymond Johansen, secretary-general of Norwegian People’s Aid, says as more countries recognise Palestinian statehood, this will hopefully put pressure on Israel for a negotiated solution.
“It’s very far away from negotiations between parties right now, but [Norway’s decision to recognise Palestine] was a step in the right direction,” the former Norwegian state secretary for foreign affairs told Al Jazeera.
Johansen added the US has always been the closest ally to Israel, and if Washington changes its policy and “put pressure on Israel”, then there will be a change in the moribund peace process.
“But not before that because definitely the Israeli government has so much self confidence in what they are doing, saying they will ‘clean up’ everything. So far they have been able to continue because the resistance towards their policy has not been strong enough.
“We have even seen a kind of diplomatic tsunami this week, but it does not have any impact for the Israeli government and the [Israeli forces] right now.”

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