Red Crescent: We only receive 10% of needed aid in Gaza

Nebal Farsakh, spokesperson for the Palestine Red Crescent Society, tells Al Jazeera that “being a Palestinian now means you have to choose between the bad and the worse”.

For those in Gaza, she described a constant struggle for safety and basic needs, such as food and water, as places to shelter from Israeli army bombing dwindle.

“Yesterday thousands of Palestinians in Khan Younis who are sheltering in the Palestine Red Crescent [shelter], they have left towards Rafah, while at the same time thousands of others came in their places. There is no safe place.”

If Palestinians manage to steer clear of Israeli bombs, she said, every day brings a constant struggle for food.

“From what we see on the ground, most Palestinians are struggling to have one meal with very basic things. It’s a miracle to have food for your family,” Farsakh said.

She added the Red Crescent fears hunger and starvation will become as big a threat to Palestinians as the fighting in Gaza, and while it is working to distribute aid, what people are receiving is “barely scratching the surface”.

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