Scuffles and arrests at UT Austin; Columbia suspends pro-Palestine students

Police in the United States have clashed with students at a university in the city of Austin, Texas, and arrested dozens as they dismantled an encampment set up to protest Israel’s war on Gaza.
The arrests at the University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin) on Monday came as Columbia University in New York City also began suspending students after they defied an ultimatum to disperse.
The protesters are calling their universities to cut ties with Israel, which some experts at the United Nations say is committing genocide against Palestinians in Gaza. Israeli forces have killed at least 34,488 Palestinians since October 7, when fighters from Hamas launched unprecedented attacks inside southern Israel, killing 1,139 people and taking dozens captive.
The protests have upended university campuses across the US, with the number of arrests approaching 1,000 as the final days of classes wrap up.

Al Jazeera’s correspondents are covering the protests from coast to coast. Heidi Zhou-Castro is reporting from the University of Texas in Austin, Teresa Bo reports from Columbia University in New York and Kristen Saloomey reports from Yale University in in New Haven, Connecticut.

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