‘Siege and starvation’: Qatar says ceasefire talks ‘stumbling’

Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani says talks on a Gaza ceasefire and the release of captives are at a “sensitive phase.”

“The negotiations regarding Gaza are going through some stumbling, and we are trying to overcome this to put an end to the suffering,” Sheikh Mohammed told a news conference.

After six months of fighting, there is still no sign of any breakthrough in the negotiations led by Qatar and Egypt to clinch a ceasefire deal in Gaza, as Israel and Hamas stick to their mutually irreconcilable conditions.

Sheikh Mohammed said Doha had “warned from the beginning of this war against the expansion of the circle of conflict, and today we see conflicts on different fronts”.

“We constantly call on the international community to assume its responsibilities and stop this war,” he added, saying people of Gaza faced “siege and starvation” with humanitarian aid being used as a “tool for political blackmail”.

Meanwhile in Gaza City, an Israeli warplane has attacked a group of Palestinians gathering at a location where they can connect to the internet.
At least seven Palestinians were killed, and 20 others injured.

It happened in the Sheikh Radwan neighbourhood.

A tent had been set up for those trying to access the internet.

There’s spotty cell service throughout the territory – Palestinians often have to gather at one point where connectivity is stable.

Al Jazeera’s Tareq Abu Azzoum has the latest in Rafah, in southern Gaza.

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