The illusion of aid in Gaza | The Listening Post

The illusion of aid in Gaza | The Listening Post

The United States’ airdrops of aid into Gaza are a textbook case of cognitive dissonance on the part of the US administration – dropping food while continuing to send Israel bombs with which to pulverise Gaza. And the gulf between what’s happening on the ground and the mainstream media’s reportage continues to widen.


Laura Albast – Fellow, Institute for Palestine Studies

Mohamad Bazzi – Professor, New York University

Antony Loewenstein – Author, The Palestine Laboratory

Mouin Rabbani – Co-editor, Jadaliyya

On our radar:

Since Israel launched its assault on Gaza, the war has been a delicate subject for Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. The war has led to censorship of news coverage and suppression of public protest. Meenakshi Ravi reports.

Israel’s cultural annihilation in Gaza

The Listening Post has covered Israel’s war on Gaza through the prism of the media, including the unprecedented killing of Palestinian journalists. But there’s another level to what’s unfolding in Gaza: the genocidal assault on Palestinian history, existence and culture.


Jehad Abusalim – Executive Director, The Jerusalem Fund

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