The Untold Truth Of Grand Admiral Thrawn

Imperial Grand Admiral, Chiss warrior, bluest man in the galaxy — Thrawn is known as many things. Here’s the question, though: who is he really?

#GrandAdmiralThrawn #StarWars #Truth

The Chiss | 0:00
The Grysk Hegemony | 1:21
Dawn of the Empire | 2:18
Unholy alliance | 3:41
The hunt for Phoenix Squadron | 4:55
Close encounters of the Grysk kind | 6:12
Defender | 7:21
Into the unknown | 8:49
Heir to the Empire | 10:10
A savior emerges | 11:36
The Chosen One | 12:56
Third Sight | 14:09
For want of a nail | 15:22
Noble warrior | 16:41
Man of culture | 17:58
Sherlock Thrawn | 19:25
Who cares? | 20:48
Rebrands | 21:51

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