The Worst U.S. States When it Comes to Bad Behavior

The Worst U.S. States When it Comes to Bad Behavior

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Ever catch yourself not even flinching when your neighbor goes off on store staff or zips through stop signs like they’re suggestions? Well, brace yourself, because Best Life magazine dropped a bombshell in late 2020: a ranking of all 50 states, from the sweetest to the sourest. They didn’t just conjure these rankings out of thin air; they dug deep into surveys on rude cities, aggressive drivers, and downright unfriendly behavior towards customer service folks. It’s a revealing snapshot of how manners vary from coast to coast.

#25: Nevada

Rudeness score: 41.46
Rudest cities: Las Vegas

With a rudeness score of 41.46, Las Vegas leads as Nevada’s rudest city. The state presents a unique blend of manners, positioned mid-range in the United States for rudeness, yet marked among the least friendly.

Nevada’s reputation for incivility is exemplified by Las Vegas, attributed possibly to its tourist-heavy demographic versus a smaller local populace. Dean Swift on Quora highlights the city’s whimsical hospitality range, from grand tips to less pleasant encounters.

#24: West Virginia

Rudeness score: 41.69
Rudest cities: N/A

With a rudeness score of 41.69, West Virginia showcases a relatively polite demeanor, particularly on its picturesque country roads, despite a lack of notable cities known for impoliteness.

Despite safer driving on its scenic roads, West Virginia’s residents occasionally show rudeness, especially in customer service interactions. The state’s struggles in healthcare, education, economy, and infrastructure contrast its lush landscapes.

#23: Maryland

Rudeness score: 42.9
Rudest cities: Baltimore

With a rudeness score of 42.9, Baltimore tops Maryland’s list of impolite cities. Despite its ‘America in Miniature’ nickname, the state’s notable rudeness seems at odds with the country’s overall demeanor.

Maryland’s charm is shadowed by its reputation as one of America’s rudest states. Ocean City, a popular resort town, faces a rudeness epidemic amid summer’s understaffed businesses, plagued by discourteous and impatient patrons.

#22: Connecticut

Rudeness score: 43.35
Rudest cities: Hartford

Connecticut’s rudeness rating hits 43.35, with Hartford topping the list of its rudest cities, highlighting a somewhat unwelcoming demeanor attributed to its residents.

Connecticut locals, known for seeming aloof, attribute their standoffish nature to a need for privacy over rudeness. High living costs contribute to this behavior. Yet, many struggle to connect socially, labeling the atmosphere as ‘lonely’.

#21: Arizona

Rudeness score: 44.1
Rudest cities: Phoenix

Arizona’s politeness falls short with a rudeness score of 44.1, primarily due to Phoenix’s reputation. Despite its serene deserts, the local hospitality doesn’t quite match up, landing the state in 12th place for unfriendliness.

Arizona’s charm is overshadowed by its aloof residents and Phoenix’s hazardous drivers, despite minimal traffic. Lux Tempo’s Quora commentary illustrates the state’s notorious hospitality, especially within its dining scene, urging visitors to brace themselves for a ‘Mad Max’ experience on I-17.

#20: South Dakota

Rudeness score: 44.5
Rudest cities: N/A

Despite lacking major rude cities, South Dakota still scored a 44.5 on the rudeness scale, showcasing a mix of traits on its rudeness profile.

While YouGov highlighted South Dakota as notably polite, ranking fifth, it’s not without rudeness—positioning 13th for rude customers, affected by discourteous drivers and inconsiderate shoppers.

#19: Ohio

Rudeness score: 44.9
Rudest cities: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus

Ohio ranks among America’s rudest, with Cleveland, Cincinnati, and Columbus leading. Its notorious for impolite drivers and customers, often featuring in the top for swearing at service reps.

Ohio’s drivers breach road rules 32% more than the national average. Anecdotes on social media reflect local perceptions of widespread discourtesy and a resistance to modern attitudes, making some eager to leave.

18: Illinois

Rudeness score: 46.13
Rudest cities: Chicago

Illinois has a rudeness rating of 46.13, with Chicago being the major contributor. Best life suggests that 4% of Illinoisans are rude, potentially influenced by notorious Chicago drivers and their heart-stopping road antics.

Chicago’s unique charm includes a diner, Ed Debevic’s, where staff insult the customers, adding to its notoriety. This, along with aggressive driving behaviors mentioned by Reddit user Killgore-Trout, paints Chicago as the heart of Illinois’ rude reputation.

#17: Michigan

Rudeness score: 47.05
Rudest cities: Detroit

With a rudeness score of 47.05, Detroit stands out as Michigan’s impolite city. Despite its proximity to Canada, renown for its niceness, Michigan still trails behind in manners across the U.S.

Michigan’s straight-shooting demeanor is epitomized by Detroit’s reputation, not just for rudeness but also for its perilous crime rates. Residents like Lora Tucker highlight a no-nonsense attitude akin to New York and Chicago, valuing speed and directness in communication.

#16: Wyoming

Rudeness score: 48.02
Rudest cities: N/A

Wyoming displays a rudeness score of 48.02. Despite its vast lands, it lacks in well-mannered cities, reflecting peculiar behaviors among its sparse population of approximately 580,000 residents, attributed to isolation and tough weather.

Ranked 10th for rude customers and noted for 4.8% rude drivers, Wyoming’s disregard for stop signs is noteworthy, 37% above the norm. Critical views on Cheyenne highlight a perceived imbalance between the state’s natural beauty and social atmosphere.

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