These Are America’s Poorest States, Ranked

These Are America’s Poorest States, Ranked

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Despite being part of the same nation, the average income and living standards vary significantly across the 50 states. Maryland boasts the highest median household income, starkly contrasting with the lower earnings in the poorest states. With a national poverty rate of 10.5% and median income at $68,703, the poorest states in America fall noticeably below these figures. This list spotlights the 25 states struggling the most financially, offering insights and tips to potentially elevate your earnings.

#25: Iowa

Median income per household: $60, 523
Rate of poverty: 11.2%

Iowa’s economy, heavily reliant on manufacturing and agriculture, has recently faced challenges. The 2019 trade war significantly affected corn and soybean demand, while unpredictable weather continues to pose risks to its agricultural sector.

Despite a seven-month drop in unemployment rates, a decrease in Iowa’s labor force to its lowest since 1977 suggests people are moving elsewhere for jobs. Nearly 70% of emigrants cite employment as their primary reason, per United Van Lines data.

#24: Nevada

Median income per household: $60, 365
Rate of poverty: 12.5%

Las Vegas’s allure often worsens the plight of the desperate, contributing to Southern Nevada’s severe homelessness issue, affecting over 6,500 individuals. Many battle addictions, showcasing the region’s deeper socio-economic struggles.

Nevada grapples with insufficient affordable housing and federal aid, lagging by $342 million in combating homelessness. With many relying on low-paying jobs in leisure and hospitality, the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated their economic hardships through plummeting tourism and gaming revenues.

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