US being humiliated by Israel

The US, “the world’s foremost superpower of the past 70 years”, is being humiliated by Israel, according to Al Jazeera’s senior political analyst Marwan Bishara.

“America laid few red lines: No reoccupation of Gaza which is now no reoccupation of Gaza long term; no indiscriminate bombing and then, Sullivan comes to the region and says, no, we understand,” he said, talking after US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan wrapped up his visit to Israel with a news conference.

“He went at length at the press conference to justify why Israel is killing tens of thousands of Palestinians. He was on air out of Jerusalem, justifying Israeli war crimes.

“Every time we talk about a spat, it involves Israel spitting and America’s face-saving. It is not exactly an equal relationship. The patron continues to follow the orders of the client,” he said.

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