US making ‘incremental changes’ to Gaza approach: Analysis

US making ‘incremental changes’ to Gaza approach: Analysis

The Biden administration’s new visa restrictions for Israeli settlers represent a “shift in the stance” on the conflict, according to Youcef Bouandel, a professor of political science and international relations at Qatar University.
Bouandel told Al Jazeera the move shows the international community is signalling “enough is enough” and “settlers in particular need to stop what they’re doing”.
However, he added that although the move is a “step in the right direction,” it doesn’t “go far enough”.
Washington announced the policy on Tuesday, placing restrictions on “extremist settlers” believed to be involved in undermining peace, security or stability in the West Bank.
Ariel Gold, the executive director of the US-based Fellowship of Reconciliation, told Al Jazeera earlier today that the policy is “virtue signalling” as many settlers hold dual citizenship and don’t require a visa to enter the US.

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