US to restrict visas of Israeli settlers over attacks in Occupied West Bank

US to restrict visas of Israeli settlers over attacks in Occupied West Bank

In a statement, Secretary of State Antony Blinken condemned “extremist settlers who have committed violent attacks against Palestinians in the West Bank”.

The top diplomat said that the US would deny visas to anyone involved in “undermining peace, security or stability in the West Bank” or who takes actions that “unduly restrict civilians’ access to essential services and basic necessities”.

The statement added that immediate family members may also be subject to the restrictions.

Blinken “underscored” that Israel was not doing enough to stop settler violence in the occupied West Bank, which rights groups say has spiked amid the war.

He added Washington would also “continue to engage the Palestinian Authority to make clear it must do more to curb Palestinian attacks against Israelis”.

Al Jazeera’s White House Correspondent Kimberly Halkett is live from Washington, DC for the latest developments.

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